With any trip and our Two Monkey-Moos: Preparation is key.
- Prepare: Explain where we are going and why if necessary, preferably we have to start talking about it a few days before the event.
- Set expectations: what behaviour is acceptable, how to speak clearly (essential when Great Grandparents are a little hard of hearing), being polite and manners in general.
- Distractions: this is really just quiet time activities, colouring books, stickers and reading books usually do the trick, and any quiet toys (the ones that have no electronic bits)
- Rewards: arguably the most important rule! Good manners and behaviour will result in:- a picnic on the beach, a trip to the playground, or any other fun thing that will get them to behave a little less like monkeys for day!

Rather last minute, I whipped up two batches of cupcake batter. One chocolate and one caramel.
Taking advantage of being left on my own in the kitchen, and working quickly to keep it Monkey free (for a while at least.) I swiftly spooned dollops of each mixture into cupcake cases, swirling them together for a lovely marbled effect. What a super tasty treat to enjoy with the Great Grandparents. A dozen large cupcakes headed for the oven. (key preparation point 4- Rewards, if needed.)
The smell of freshly baked goods led a little Monkey-Moo to the kitchen. Thankful that I got some time alone in the kitchen for a change, I set out all the decorating essentials and under Monkey-Moos watchful eye, smothered the cupcakes in rich chocolate icing.
I left Monkey-Moo to add all the final decorating touches with chocolate sprinkles and balls. (most of which didn't end up on the cakes but all over the counter and a little on the floor!)
He was very pleased with himself, but truth be told I think it was sneaking bits of chocolate sprinkles into his mouth when he thought I wasn't looking, that he found the most enjoyable!
I left Monkey-Moo to add all the final decorating touches with chocolate sprinkles and balls. (most of which didn't end up on the cakes but all over the counter and a little on the floor!)
He was very pleased with himself, but truth be told I think it was sneaking bits of chocolate sprinkles into his mouth when he thought I wasn't looking, that he found the most enjoyable!

He emptied out the remaining sprinkles directly into his mouth shortly after I snapped this shot!
I packaged up the cupcakes into pretty little boxes ready for the trip to seaside in the morning. One box to enjoy with the Great Grandparents and one to leave for them to enjoy throughout the week.
Now the only thing left to do, was get the picnic things packed for the boys lunchtime treat on the beach!