20 January 2014

Autumn leaves

Here's a post I started sharing in the Autumn, then Christmas and party planning took over and I totally forgot about it.

It was raining, and had been for days (feeling more like weeks) and the dreary walk home after dropping Monkey One at school was proving very little fun. Then I stopped for a minute and thought, it would be great to make use of those leaves. Monkey-Moo needed no encouragement to partake in this little game.We oooh'ed and ahhh'ed at the different colours, the shapes and sizes.

I was left juggling an umbrella and all the collected leaves. (apparently little Monkeys can only hold two wet leaves at any given time)

We arrived home, rather wet and later than usual, we place the collection out on the table to dry. I had to keep turning them so that both sides dried enough not to mark the paper. And Monkey Two kept a close eye on them through the morning, regularly updating me on which were still wet, or "little bit nearly dry"

A couple hours, cups of tea and school collection later, we got all the crayons out, our sheets of paper ready, and I set about demonstrating how to make leaf rubbings. Monkey-Moo loved it! Bigger Monkey-Moo didn't want to miss out either, and soon joined in.

What a great way to transform our we Autumn Days, and stay (mostly) dry!

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