30 March 2014

Pantry Staples.

Without a doubt these fabulous goodies from Sweetpea Pantry are going to be firm staples in my pantry cupboard. I found these little gems on Yumbles, and since Monkey-Moo had just been diagnosed with the Chicken pox, I swiftly placed an order!

Lets face facts, what was I going to do to keep him entertained for as many days as it would take before he was cleared to get back to school! There are only so many games, toys and movies before the Monkeys start to work on each others nerves!

I must have been putting out some seriously good karma, as the goodies arrived within 48 hours, and were greeted with great enthusiasm by both Monkey-Moos!

The bubble wrap was game number one (yay, that's one less game I had to think up to keep them busy) and on the menu for lunch, without a doubt were Grainy Brainy Pancakes! 

Once I had manged to get some work done for the morning, we all headed into the kitchen and got ready to have a go with our lovely Sweetpea Pantry mix! 

In one, two, three easy steps we had pancake production on the go!


These pancakes were so scrummy delicious,packed full of good stuff, the Monkey-Moos simply loved them! They were gobbled up before I could snap a photo of them looking all lovely and ready to be eaten! Here's the best I could do! 

Simply can't wait to try out the Sweetpea Pantry Ginger Giggles! 

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