Oh my, it's been a while, hasn't it! I seem to have got caught up in life and housework, and work work, totally neglecting my little blog! So here is a post I had written ages ago, and simply not got round to posting!

We painted pottery. The boys loved it. It
all got broke! There were tears! Its a Long story. So we made another visit to the pottery cafe to paint up some more! Really there isn't much to say about painting pottery. It's paint, paint brushes, cups of water begging to be knocked over and a whole heap of patience! At aged 3 little Monkey-Moo found it tough to understand why the colours he choose didn't look the same when it came out the bottle, but thankfully we got there in the end.
To be fair, he choose a rather lovely colour palette.
There he sat, happily dipping paint bush into the cup of water and plopping large dollops of splodgy paint all over his little truck.

Despite the enthusiasm, asking a 3 year old to paint three coats was expecting a little too much, verging on impossible even. His solution- instruct Mommy to paint wheels and put Red (cause that's my favourite colour mommy ) on the bottom. All the rather more difficult bits to do, naturally! I even added a few small details to finish it off for him, like doors and hub caps. I may even have enjoyed it a little too much!

There was a moment when we thought we had a sulker, as bigger Monkey-Moo had disappointment
painted across his face, not being able to find the same pottery to paint as he had done before the "Breakage incident"
shhh we are not talking about it! Fortunately, he soon realised he could choose something cooler, smiles returned! Phew!In the end he was super happy about his ferocious shark, look we even got the thumbs up! He was reminded several times to do his three coats of paint, but in the end, those listening ears just weren't doing as they were meant to. So we left him to it.
A week later, and we have the final products, one truck, one shark and a rather dotty egg cup!
And I'm still convinced that I will get them to do an egg cup each the next time!
Just think how wonderful our eggs and soldiers would look with our very own individual hand painted family egg cups! That's what I'm aiming for!
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