3 May 2016


I'm getting quite good at this school dress up day thing, yes I'm swiftly moving away from that feeling of utter detest each time the school mentions it, but don't be fooled; I'm not yet loving it...I'm not sure how or when I got more enthusiastic about it...perhaps it was just the simple case of having more than three weeks notice this time. So there was no flat panic, no rush trying to throw something together and there was plenty of time to decide what was needed, what we had  and what could make do. The topic this time: World War Two Evacuee's.

Getting Monkey-Moo off to the library really helped, he may have cleared out the entire World War Two section of books, but it really paid off. Not only did we get a clear picture of what he need to look like (yes I did a Google image search too) but he managed to find a book that had tons of art and craft ideas all centred around WW2. He decided to make his own gas mask.

I think he did a really good job. Apologies that I didn't get a photo of it without him holding it in place.

Here he is; an old white shirt he used for a wedding years ago (looking slim fit but still useful) a pair of tailored shorts (last seasons fashion trend), school socks and shoes and a plain grey v-necked jumper picked up in the local supermarket, all topped off with (the now trendy) flat cap!

Final touches to finish off the look- simply a tag and his boxed gas mask.

And with that dress up day success under my belt, I have just learnt that both Monkey-Moos will be needing to don 60's themed outfits at the end of the month...watch this space for those creations....right now I'm off to Pinterest to work out how to tie dye fabric...

3 March 2016

World Book Day DIY Dress UP

Now if you've read my blog before, you will know how I feel about school dress up days! Hate is a strong word, I think detest is probably a little  more accurate!

Putting my feelings to one side: it's World Book Day, and naturally the Monkey-Moos have to dress up as their favourite book characters. All fine and dandy, but my two head strong monkeys refused to use the pirate outfits we already have (Pirates next door) or the Peter Pan one we had from previous years and instead insisted on Greg (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) and Mr Snow (Mr Men series)....here in lies a problem...white...boys want to wear white...NOOOOOOO!!!

After running around desperately trying to locate White jumpers for the Fussy Monkey-Moos to wear (it is after all still too cold to do t-shirts) and coming up empty handed, I managed to find the last white long sleeve t-shirt in Monkey-Moo #1's size but nothing for #2.

Being as crafty (in the sly sense of that word) as I am, I set about planting seeds to chang Mr Snow to Mr Bump. #2 took some serious convincing. But I won in the end! Yay me!

So with a £3 Blue Jumper, two bandages and a sheet of black felt, I got to work!

A bit of sewing, a lot of pinning and a little cutting.

We have our little MR Bump!

After all that sewing and re-pinning...they seemed to have a life of their own those pins.... Greg aka Wimpy Kid was a simple 20 minute job!

Getting Monkey-Moo#1 to decided on a facial expression wasn't nearly as easy as it sounds. After several changes we settled on one (which changed again at the last minute), located some card, an old polystyrene pizza round some double sided tape and got out a trusty marker pen. Ready set go!

Sketched, drawn and then cut, added details and left a small "neck" so Monkey-Moo could hold it up.
Hello Greg!

15 January 2016

Nut Nut Nutty

Ringing in the New Year always has plenty people trying to embark on a healthier routine. This New Year I made no resolutions, but am continuing with my journey begun 9 months ago to improve health and energy (something I really need with two MonkeyMoos like mine).

I started trying out living the Paelo diet, but found being dairy free wasn't really for me- I then moved to Banting (The Real Meal Revolution) or a Low Carb, High Fat way of living (diet implies I'll stop at some point).

This has by far been the easiest lifestyle switch I've ever made, and apart from the first three months of hating every cup of tea without sugar, all the other changes have been simply easy.

I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and have a new found love for cauliflower, in any form, cauli mash, cauli rice or simply steamed, I'm happy either way. But that's not what this post is about; I recently shared a pic on Facebook of a nut granola I had just finished making, and the request for samples, and recipe caught me by surprise (it shouldn't have really as there are plenty of friends doing either Banting or LCHF diets) SO thought I best share it here for anyone who may wish to try and make it.


It's truly simple, and quick but best of all totally tasty!

100g Brazil nuts
50g Walnuts
50g Almonds/Macadamia nuts
80g Sunflower seeds
80g Almond flakes
40g Coconut shavings (unsweetened)
25g Dried cranberries (optional)
2tsp Cinnamon
2tsp Ginger
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
3 tbsp Coconut oil

Preheat your oven to 160' C.
Chop the brazil, walnuts and almonds.
In a heavy based saucepan or frying pan heat the coconut oil, then add the spices (increase or decrease the amounts you your taste- I personally like to heap the the ginger and nutmeg)
Heat the spices gently and then add all the nuts and coconut shavings. Stir over a low heat for about 5 minutes ensuring all the mix is coated well. Add the cranberries and remove from heat.
Place the mix on a baking sheet, spread it out.
Put this into the preheated oven for approximately 20 minutes, checking every 6-10 minutes to avoid burning the nuts. You may want to give them a stir to help them get an even roast!
Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Once cooled you will need to store it in an air tight container.

Serve with plain full fat yoghurt! Enjoy!  

9 January 2016

Stormtrooper Has A Birthday Cake

My little Stormtrooper just turned nine. Nine, not sure how that's even possible. And along with the new age, he has turned his back on the joys of his younger interests and is now solely fixated on anything Star Wars.

If he had his way his entire Christmas bounty would have consisted of Star Wars light sabres (of any description ) and Star Wars Lego, all of it! Needless to say, Santa is rather wise and doesn't believe in giving everything you ask for! Lets face it, there are times MonkeyMoos should only be getting coal and oranges, but Santa is a forgiving man and doesn't punish the "sometimes" naughty boys!

In my previous post I told you my specific instructions were to make cupcake toppers with the Rebel Alliance logo and his cake must be a StormtrooperThank heavens for Pinterest for inspiration for creating this cake.

Lets not lie, by the time I'd worked out how to ice it, drawn up some paper templates, baked the cakes I was sick of the sight of Stormtroopers! (You'd be shocked to know I then accompanied MonkeyMoo to watch The Force Awakens) He is by no means perfect, and there is room for improvement, but happy with him we are!

Well here he is: