If he had his way his entire Christmas bounty would have consisted of Star Wars light sabres (of any description ) and Star Wars Lego, all of it! Needless to say, Santa is rather wise and doesn't believe in giving everything you ask for! Lets face it, there are times MonkeyMoos should only be getting coal and oranges, but Santa is a forgiving man and doesn't punish the "sometimes" naughty boys!
In my previous post I told you my specific instructions were to make cupcake toppers with the Rebel Alliance logo and his cake must be a Stormtrooper. Thank heavens for Pinterest for inspiration for creating this cake.
Lets not lie, by the time I'd worked out how to ice it, drawn up some paper templates, baked the cakes I was sick of the sight of Stormtroopers! (You'd be shocked to know I then accompanied MonkeyMoo to watch The Force Awakens) He is by no means perfect, and there is room for improvement, but happy with him we are!
Well here he is:

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