Short of time, as working mom's often are, these little treasures were a godsend, Thank-you healthy baking mixes and the fabulous Sweetpea Pantry!
Setting aside some time to get two Monkey-Moos organised, hands washed, ingredients out, and everything measured, we made up the mix as per pack instructions. Leaving the mix to cool. (I grabbed this time to quickly shoot through some more work, the Monkey-Moos grabbed the time to drive some cars and argue about who gets to drive at the front of the traffic!)

Roll and cut, lift and place on baking tray, repeat. Laughter filled the kitchen as we had amputated teddy bears, earless Easter bunnies and the joy of sharing cookie cutters finally sunk in!
So much fun! Into the oven they go, heavenly gingerbread smell wafting through the house (getting back to work is going to be tough) and two very apparently hungry Monkeys wait as patiently as possible for a taste test!
End result, Healthy, Yummy, Tasty ginger bread treats and Two very happily entertained Monkey-Moos! Success!
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