Easter is totally about Chocolate! And that means any form of chocolate! Cake, egg, slab, milkshake,chick or bunny, in our house,we are anything but fussy!
Which is what prompted me to whip up a batch of chocolate cupcakes while the Monkeys were being entertained at the park with daddy!
Yay for a clean, fuss free, assistant free baking session! (they are so rare in my house)

When the Monkey-Moos got home cupcakes were already cooling, and nearly ready to decorate. It didn't take long at all to whip up a quick batch of butter cream icing with a shot of vanilla for flavour, fill up the piping bag, break open the bag of Cadburys mini eggs, raid the pantry for some sprinkles and decorating supplies, then set it all out. And in less than 10 minutes the Monkeys had successfully decorated all the cakes! They may have gone a little overboard on the mini eggs, but that was egg-pected!
(Can you spot which ones I sensibly decorated?)
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